Friends and Family,
This week was definitely one I'll never remember. Both Chris and
Nicholas' baptisms were canceled. I'll explain more later in my email!
On the brighter side of things, I found out I'll be staying here in
Waterford Lakes for the last 7 weeks of my mission. Elder Terry will
be transferred, and my new companion will be Elder Hummer! This will
be his his first transfer as a Zone Leader, so I'm pretty excited to
work with him! I don't have too much time to email today, because
there is a lot of people Elder Terry would like to say goodbye to
before he leaves tomorrow morning!
So the bad news first. Yes, the baptisms were both canceled. Chris
texted us Tuesday morning informing us that his mom isn't going to let
him be baptized. We were really confused at this point because we sat
down with his mom just a few weeks ago to explain our beliefs and what
Chris would be committing to. She was fine with it then, but changed
her mind as time continued. Her biggest worry was the Word of Wisdom
and she didn't feel like Chris needed to live it. Unfortunately, this
prohibited Chris from being baptized. We were all pretty upset, but I
knew Chris was feeling bad when he texted us apologizing for his
mother. He's a great kid. The good news here is that in a few years,
Chris will be 18 and he can make the decision for himself.
Nicholas texted us Friday afternoon unsure if he was ready to join a
religion and to commit to Baptism. We tried explaining to him that it
was okay if he was a little bit nervous, and that it was normal. He
still just wasn't budging.
At this point I truly felt how much I love this gospel. Elder Terry
and I both had some sunken spirits because knew how much this gospel
could impact their lives forever. After calling a lot of the members
to inform them of the day before cancelation, they boosted our spirits
and helped us out a little bit. One member replied, "Well, you can
lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink." Another one
replied with a quote, "We are all pretty good at this whole life
thing. We are 100% at getting through bad days." We were pretty upset
that these baptisms fell through, but we committed ourselves to find
some more people to teach this week.
Now for the good news. We ended up having a really successful week!
Our car is running low on miles and we wanted to conserve some for
this upcoming week. We hit the bikes hard ready to catch some rays
down here in the Sauna of Florida. We talked to A TON of people this
weekend all about Easter and what this holiday is all about. One cool
miracle went like this...
*Elder Terry and Doman riding their bikes*
*Some guy then drives up real close to us*
" Hey! You men on the bikes!! Are you preaching the 'good word?'"
"Uhhh yeah, you could call it that!"
"Awesome. I'll pull over in that shopping mall, then teach me about Jesus!"
Hahaha way funny! Alex ended up being really interested in the gospel
and was excited to learn more about the Book of Mormon!
Easters was great. Singing "How Great Thou Art" during church was
awesome. It all just kind of clicked for me again. We are all here and
this life is possible because of Jesus Christ. The Atonement is the
key, vital, necessary action needed to return to live with God again.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is what bring us joy in life knowing
that we to will be resurrected, and live with our families once again.
I love this gospel!
Doctrine and Covenants 35:8 says "For I am God, and mine arm is not
shortened; and I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all
those who believe on my name." I definitely faced a trial this week.
It was full of some ups and some pretty down downs, but I've gotta
keep my chin up and keep pressing forward. This week I enter,
"Missionary Hospice." My final destination before I "die" as a full
time missionary. Wow. These 2 years have gone by quickly. I'm grateful
for all of the prayers and support sent my way! I hope everyone has a
great week!
Much Love,
- Elder Doman
1) A picture of us killing those rats at the service project last
week!! #nastay #c'monman
2) standing in the pouring rain
3) An exchange picture from earlier in the week! #reallifeFrogger
4) A member gave us some real carrots and radishes. Kind of random,
but we thought we'd take a picture.
5) This family of 4 fellers almost killed us one night
6-7) Florida is pretty awesome
This week was definitely one I'll never remember. Both Chris and
Nicholas' baptisms were canceled. I'll explain more later in my email!
On the brighter side of things, I found out I'll be staying here in
Waterford Lakes for the last 7 weeks of my mission. Elder Terry will
be transferred, and my new companion will be Elder Hummer! This will
be his his first transfer as a Zone Leader, so I'm pretty excited to
work with him! I don't have too much time to email today, because
there is a lot of people Elder Terry would like to say goodbye to
before he leaves tomorrow morning!
So the bad news first. Yes, the baptisms were both canceled. Chris
texted us Tuesday morning informing us that his mom isn't going to let
him be baptized. We were really confused at this point because we sat
down with his mom just a few weeks ago to explain our beliefs and what
Chris would be committing to. She was fine with it then, but changed
her mind as time continued. Her biggest worry was the Word of Wisdom
and she didn't feel like Chris needed to live it. Unfortunately, this
prohibited Chris from being baptized. We were all pretty upset, but I
knew Chris was feeling bad when he texted us apologizing for his
mother. He's a great kid. The good news here is that in a few years,
Chris will be 18 and he can make the decision for himself.
Nicholas texted us Friday afternoon unsure if he was ready to join a
religion and to commit to Baptism. We tried explaining to him that it
was okay if he was a little bit nervous, and that it was normal. He
still just wasn't budging.
At this point I truly felt how much I love this gospel. Elder Terry
and I both had some sunken spirits because knew how much this gospel
could impact their lives forever. After calling a lot of the members
to inform them of the day before cancelation, they boosted our spirits
and helped us out a little bit. One member replied, "Well, you can
lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink." Another one
replied with a quote, "We are all pretty good at this whole life
thing. We are 100% at getting through bad days." We were pretty upset
that these baptisms fell through, but we committed ourselves to find
some more people to teach this week.
Now for the good news. We ended up having a really successful week!
Our car is running low on miles and we wanted to conserve some for
this upcoming week. We hit the bikes hard ready to catch some rays
down here in the Sauna of Florida. We talked to A TON of people this
weekend all about Easter and what this holiday is all about. One cool
miracle went like this...
*Elder Terry and Doman riding their bikes*
*Some guy then drives up real close to us*
" Hey! You men on the bikes!! Are you preaching the 'good word?'"
"Uhhh yeah, you could call it that!"
"Awesome. I'll pull over in that shopping mall, then teach me about Jesus!"
Hahaha way funny! Alex ended up being really interested in the gospel
and was excited to learn more about the Book of Mormon!
Easters was great. Singing "How Great Thou Art" during church was
awesome. It all just kind of clicked for me again. We are all here and
this life is possible because of Jesus Christ. The Atonement is the
key, vital, necessary action needed to return to live with God again.
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is what bring us joy in life knowing
that we to will be resurrected, and live with our families once again.
I love this gospel!
Doctrine and Covenants 35:8 says "For I am God, and mine arm is not
shortened; and I will show miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all
those who believe on my name." I definitely faced a trial this week.
It was full of some ups and some pretty down downs, but I've gotta
keep my chin up and keep pressing forward. This week I enter,
"Missionary Hospice." My final destination before I "die" as a full
time missionary. Wow. These 2 years have gone by quickly. I'm grateful
for all of the prayers and support sent my way! I hope everyone has a
great week!
Much Love,
- Elder Doman
1) A picture of us killing those rats at the service project last
week!! #nastay #c'monman
2) standing in the pouring rain
3) An exchange picture from earlier in the week! #reallifeFrogger
4) A member gave us some real carrots and radishes. Kind of random,
but we thought we'd take a picture.
5) This family of 4 fellers almost killed us one night
6-7) Florida is pretty awesome