Our intent of this blog is to share Brock's adventures in Orlando, Florida while he's on his LDS mission. Hopefully, by reading about how Brock is changing the lives of so many, and seeing Brock's own personal growth in the gospel, the people reading this blog will also be able to feel the spirit and be inspired to strengthen or develop their own testimonies of Christ and the LDS church.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Serving with Elder Scott in Daytona......transfer #1

Friends and Family!

It's been an awesome start to another Transfer in the Holy Land of
Daytona Beach!
There were a lot of successes this week, which I can't wait to share
with all of ya!

My new companion is Elder Scott! Elder Scott and I have served around
each other for just about all of my mission. He was my 2nd District
Leader in Palm Bay, he was my Zone Leader when I was serving in Winter Park, and now we are companions. We've stayed in touch throughout the
year, and we are now stoked to serve together. He plays soccer at BYU,
so... we are both determined to get into better shape. He has 3
transfers left on his mission, so we are really going to finish
strong! It's possible I'll be with him for the rest of his mission (18
weeks) then stay in Daytona for another 6 weeks. Well, that's a lot of
talk about the future, so let's get into this exciting week!

Our investigators made a big progression this week, which was awesome
to see. Leona agreed to set a baptismal date for the 16th of August,
and was stoked. She was a little hesitant to set a date earlier in the
week, but after the right members coming out to teach lessons with us, and after her hearing us testify of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, it seemed to be the right timing for her. We were also able to invite her oldest daughter, Shannon, into the lesson. We finished by giving her a copy of the Book of Mormon and she promised to read it. We had another lesson yesterday with her and she had finished all of 1st Nephi! For the first 10 or so minutes of the lesson, it was her sharing complex details of what she learned from her reading! Golden investigator!

Another investigator, Serena, also set a baptismal date for the beginning of August! It's been so cool to see how she has really opened up to us as the spirit has been working with her. She is living with her aunt which is an
investigator, and her uncle that is less active. The thing that has
made a difference with her is the fundamentals of the Gospel. When she
first moved in, she didn't know much about God, and had never prayed!
She just committed to be baptized!! What a change the Gospel can do
for people!

Elder Scott and I are really working hard with the Zone to serve them.
We've come up with a lot of transfer goals, and are seeing success
throughout the zone as we've set these goals!
Sky (Green shirt) and his uncle DJ who went to Baptisms for the Dead last week!

I've had a lot of fun previously serving in the Deland Zone, and can't
wait for this upcoming transfer with Elder Scott! Thanks so much for
all of the support I'm receiving! Time is moving by so quickly, and
it's both a good and bad thing. Have a great week ya'll!
The beautiful Daytona Beach!!

Elder Doman

Monday, July 13, 2015

Transfers in "Deland" of promise and Temple Day!

What a week here in Daytona! It was Elder Harman's last week, and we
wanted to make sure to finish it out strong! We were pretty busy most
of the week and had a lot of good memories when getting the work done.

We met with a former investigator named Mrs. Jackson. We started
talking to her and she was accepting almost all of the message. After
further conversation, Elder Harman and I both felt impressed to extend
the baptismal invitation and set a baptismal date. She responded,
"Well, here's the thing young boys. I love the Mormon Church, the
family feel, and the Book of Mormon. The only thing holding me back
right now are those boring, monotone hymns of ya'lls. I feel like I’m
about to fall asleep in the songs!! Why don't we have like a band or
something?! Get some drums up in there!" Yeah, Elder Harman and I
started busting up laughing. Mrs. Jackson came from a Southern Baptist
background and definitely likes that style of hymns at church!
hopefully this week we are able to address her concern!

We did more finding and had we were blessed to have a media referral
come first thing in the morning. We went to visit Phil and he lived in
a humble apartment. As we started talking with him, he said he had a
pipeline in Nigeria which would make him over 15 million dollars in 3
years. He was kind of a crazy guy, but he was down to hear the gospel!

We had a great district meeting where Elder Harman bore his
departing testimony. After district meeting, "Grandpa" took all of the
missionaries out to lunch and it was a blast! We then finished up the
day by meeting with our investigators and saying some goodbyes.

We had our ward summer party! They brought in some Texas Roadhouse
steaks and some other good, home-cookin bar-b-que! We had some
investigators and less-actives attend which was great. They all felt
really loved from the Ward! Our recent convert Jackie started crying
afterwards and we weren't sure why. She said that her whole family has
passed on and she's been alone for the past 15 years  She hasn't felt that loved and part of a family since.

Here in the Florida, Orlando Mission when missionaries are about to go
home, they are able to attend the Temple with President Berry one last
time before heading home. Unfortunately, the companion staying in the
mission isn't able to go through. I was able to do some good studies
with the other missionaries whose companions are going home. It was
fun to go to lunch with some of those missionaries going home. Friday
night was the weekly basketball with the Elders Quorum. I love this

Our recent convert Sky finished up 4 of his family names to take the
to the temple to do baptisms for the dead! We had a great hour and a half
drive with the second counselor In the ward take us down. We as missionaries are unable to participate with baptisms but we can help with confirmations. We were stoked to help out! We ended up getting Scandinavian names... I'll just say it was a struggle trying to pronounce them correctly, and it was even a bigger struggle trying not to laugh hearing Elder Harman trying! It was an experience I'll never forget. The spirit in the Temple is unreal. I've only been able to do baptisms for the dead once before my mission, and it was great. This experience was pretty special, and it was something I'll always remember.

Elder Harman said his Goodbyes to the ward and our investigators!
Sunday evening we had a less active in the ward calling us crying. She
told us her brother had committed suicide Saturday night, and needed
someone to talk to her and her family. Again, this was a high pressure
situation and it was pretty intense. We were both pretty nervous
heading into the home, but once we prayed for comfort and confidence,
we were confident and collected. We were unsure what to say as she was
really struggling holding it together when we started bearing
testimony of the Plan of Salvation and specifically the Spirit World.
She told herself over and over about the Spirit World, but just needed
someone else to bear testimony of it. We felt like we were able to
help lift her burdens even if it was a little bit. She called us
earlier today and said that we invited the spirit into the home, and
that's exactly what she needed. We weren't sure how much of an impact
we specifically made, but we know we helped out the most we could. The
Spirit is real. The church is true!

Mosiah  4:9
Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things,
both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all
power, both in heaven and in earth

-Elder Doman

Monday, July 6, 2015

9 plus hours helping a lady move and first time conducting a zone meeting!

Brock told me that they got a treadmill from a recent convert to the church, he was so excited!!!

Friends and family,

It was a crazy week here in Daytona! There were hundreds of people in
down to celebrate the holiday, and the Coke 400 was going on at the
Daytona Speedway. It was an American filled weekend Ya'll!

Tuesday was a day to remember... We woke up Tuesday and did our
studies, and everything was normal until we got a call from some of
the elders serving in Orlando. The phone call went like this...
"Hey Elder Doman and Elder Harman, did you get the call about that
person who needed help moving today?"
"No, we have no idea what you are talking about."
"Well, there is an older woman moving into your area who needs help

moving in today. It shouldn't take too long, but you should try to get
members to help. We told her you'd be there at 12."
"...Alrighty then!"
When we arrive to her home there was a 26 ft U-Haul packed to the top
full of boxes, and safes. When we met her, there was no way we could
leave. We ended up being there until 9 o'clock! It felt good to do
some service, and to work my sweat glands!

Wednesday we woke up and finished off the 12 ft trailer we didn't have
time to finish up Tuesday. Later Wednesday afternoon, we ran into a
guy that looked as if he came straight out of the Orlando Magic
practice. He was probably 6"10 and was athletic as can be. We invited
him out to the infamous Daytona Elders Quorum basketball games
Thursday nights. He was pumped. He couldn't wait, but he also agreed
to learn more about God and Jesus Christ! Deyonte was a way cool guy!

Thursday we had a ZTM with the Zone! I was still a little nervous to
be conducting a meeting with the whole Zone, but it was a good way to
get out of my comfort zone and  have a good time. I'm learning how to
be myself, but still have responsibilities. After the meeting, we met with our investigator Sirena, and she accepted the baptismal invite. She was way excited! She is living with a less active member of the church, and another investigator. She has never believed in God until a few weeks ago, but has always felt like
there was more to life than just our Earth life. When we went over the
Plan of Salvation she said she had never felt something so good in her
life, and wants this feeling to always be with her. We are excited for
her to take this journey!  Thursday night we had 3 investigators come and of course Deyonte came and put everyone to shame. He was happy coming and liked the feeling in the church!

We have been trying to go track down all of the converts that have
been baptized in this ward over the last 2 years. We found one named
Ivet, or "Abuela" who has been trying to find the missionaries, but
got a new phone and didn't have our number. She has been less active
for about 4 months now, and just didn't feel needed in the church. It
was great to see the Lord lead us to her at the perfect time in order
to reach out and help her needs. We finished up our day by doing
Weekly Planning and continuing to find these converts!

The Fourth of July was spent by visiting families in the ward who
wanted us to come to their cookout! I probably gained 5 pounds alone
from all the southern bar b que!

Sunday was great! We had 4 investigators come to church who all loved
the spirit from fast and testimony Meeting.

Sorry for having to make this a shorter email, we are running out of
time today! It's amazing how quickly this transfer has gone by. This
week will be Week 6 of the transfer, and I'll be getting a new
companion next Tuesday! Again, sorry for the shorter email, but know
that I'm grateful for all of you and I know this church is true. I
know it because of the feeling I have when I do the little things like
reading the scriptures, coming to church and praying! Thanks for all
you do!
With Love,

Elder Doman