Our intent of this blog is to share Brock's adventures in Orlando, Florida while he's on his LDS mission. Hopefully, by reading about how Brock is changing the lives of so many, and seeing Brock's own personal growth in the gospel, the people reading this blog will also be able to feel the spirit and be inspired to strengthen or develop their own testimonies of Christ and the LDS church.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Inspired Lessons, meetings, and Smurfs!

Friends and Family,

Again, it was another great week here in Buena Vista! It was full of good laughs, spiritual highs, and a little bit of stress! I can't believe Thanksgiving is this week! Let me tell ya, time is flying! It's amazing how much I have learned about myself, how to interact with others, and the Gospel. The church is true!! 

Tuesday- We had exchanges Tuesday! I had the opportunity to serve with Elder Carpenter for a day. He's a great kid and loves to work. We had Temple Service in the morning and it was a great time! It was 50 degrees and lightly raining! It sounds like it was pretty cold, but it felt so nice for the cold refreshing air to enter our lungs after breathing in hot, humid air for the past 5 months! All of the missionaries were loving the weather. We planted some shubbery (hahaha) and pulled some weeds! For the rest of the day, we went out and tried to
Brock and Elder Carpenter
contact some potential investigators. Solid Day! At temple service, they give out some treats like cookies or muffins. This time they brought out a cake for Elder Potter’s Birthday! The funny thing is that the cake was a leftover cake from the local Publix (or Harmons) and it said "happy birthday Nicholas!" Hahaha! To make it even funnier it was a "SMURF" cake, with 4 little plastic smurfs on top! It was great! I grabbed the plastic Smurfs and thought it would be funny if I hid them around the apartment in funny places through out the week! Each time one of us found one, we just started laughing so hard! I uploaded some pictures below! 

Wednesday- Wednesday definitely had its ups and downs! We had Zone Conference from 7 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon... I love meetings. No, it wasn't bad at all! It was full of great insight from the leaders in the mission. I was able to take away a lot from Zone Conference and am excited to put their teachings into play! Crazy story about it: On our "Lunch Break" I met an Elder named Elder Johnson, he arrived 3 weeks ago. We started talking and he played football for Alta High School (Where I would have gone to school if I stayed up in Salt Lake.) I guess he remembered me from playing little league football together!? Small World.... Also, One night when I was hanging out with my friends about a year ago, he came down to visit his friend in St. George and we hung out together that night too... Even Smaller world.... And he is going to play football at either Weber or Dixie State! It was pretty crazy realizing all of this just after saying hi to somebody I didn't know. Pretty cool story if you ask me! Also, I sat next to an Elder who has been reading my sisters blog about her heart transplant!!! He too went Alta High school, and found out about my sister. What a miracle filled day! Before Zone Conference, we had to get our Flu shots! This was okay, but the sleeve on my shirt couldn't go up to my shoulder! They ended up giving me the shot in the middle of my tricep! haha Elder Potter was laughing so hard watching them try to pull my sleeve up! He thought it was so funny! 
Brock and Elder Johnson, the guy on the left, played little league football together in 3rd grade.  I went to school with the dad of the missionary on the right, Elder Crismon.  It's a small world!
Brock thought it was pretty funny (awesome) that his shirt wouldn't go up over his "massive" bicep!

Thursday- We met with our Investigators with baptismal dates!! They were both really excited and are loving the Book of Mormon. You guys, the Book of Mormon is so true. I wish I would have read more from it before I was a missionary. It has helped me out so much since I've been out here. There is nothing like the feeling when reading the Book of Mormon with the desire to learn. True conversion takes place when somebody reads from the Book. One thing I have learned from these investigators is always be humble. When with met with this investigator this week his humility hit me. He doesn't have a couch, tv, full pantry, etc... He has a bed to sleep on, running water, some clothes, and enough to eat for the rest of the week. But what he does have, is happiness and humility. His faith and love for our Savior Jesus Christ is amazing. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to meet with him. I hope one day I have as much humility as him.

Friday- After weekly planning, Elder Potter and I felt the need to go through a list of the less-actives in the ward and see if we could meet with them. We called all but about 15 names when we had to return phone calls asking us if we could come over later that night. The First member was so grateful for the call because his friend had just asked about the church and asked a couple questions about The Plan of Salvation he didn't know how to answer! We answered his questions, and then the member said we can come over and meet his friend on thanksgiving! It was like the perfect plan!  The lesson Friday night has been one of the most spiritual lessons on my mission. We met with an return missionary who hadn't been to church since I've been in this area. (9 weeks) First we sat down and just got to know him a little bit. We then said the opening prayer and immediately he began to cry. We didn't say anything for the next couple of minutes as he was trying to compose himself. Once he regained composure he had explained to us that he knew he should have been going to church, reading the scriptures, and praying, but he just didn't feel the need to. He felt as if Christ had abandoned him because of it. He just felt so bad because he knew better. He knew he could have done better and just felt so guilty. He explained to us that once he started to not read the scriptures and pray each day, he started to fall down a path he never wanted or thought he would go down. We then testified of the Atonement and how our Father in Heaven will always love us. It was very spiritual for him and we were able to see just how grateful he was for the Atonement. 

I honestly love being a missionary. There is no greater feeling than bringing hope to an individual who feels they have no hope left. 

Saturday- We had a lot of lessons cancel. But that gave us the opportunity to contact a lot of funny people. We had a hobo try to preach to us, we saw a car with wheels half the size of Elder Potter, and had a guy answer the door in his whitey tighties! Missionaries that are going home this transfer were able to go through the temple Saturday morning while their companions went to the church across the street. I was pretty bummed out. I love going to the Temple. In the Florida Orlando Mission we have the opportunity to go in January and July, then once again when you go home. 

Sunday- The service Sunday morning was fantastic. Our investigator was able to meet a lot of the members and started to really begin to feel comfortable with the ward! A YSA ward is awesome because you can always count on someone with the same interests as you! 

A very solid week, full of miracles! Again, it will be hard being away from home for the holidays, but I know this work is definitely worth it. I think and pray for you guys daily, and hope everyone is okay! Thanksgiving is Thursday! Grandma, you can now cook a smaller turkey since I'm gone and you won't have to watch football anymore! Thanks to everyone for the support! Have a great week! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Much Love,
Elder Doman

Moroni 7:47- But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

Brock and a member of the YSA that just got his mission call to Italy.

In his email home this week he also had some things to say:

"This week has been another good one. I am finding myself getting into the same rhythm each morning, which has its positives and negatives. I like it because I know I am doing the right thing each and every morning, working out, eating a protein shake and an orange, then studying. But I don't like it because it honestly gets kind of boring. I know that i'm learning so much each and every study session and that alone makes it so worth it."

"Mom, don't worry about how much is in my Christmas package, or what is in there. It really is okay! I'm doing great! I'd rather have money put on my card so I can mail some presents out to you! It wouldn't be anything too big, but it would be fun to send home some gifts :) let me know what you think!"

As for his Thanksgiving plans:
Our ward is having Thanksgiving tonight! Our bishop is awesome and is cooking up a giant feast! I'm stoked! HAHA. On Thursday, we honestly don't have one thing planned!! The bishop might invite us over, but he isn't sure if he'll be on a cruise! We are planning on "accidentally" knocking on a couple members doors :) it will be a great experience! I'm honestly looking forward to it. The ward is having a turkey bowl on Thursday! Unfortunately, missionaries are not able to participate! lame! But it will still be fun to watch. Members will most likely invite us to dinner there too! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

"I really am doing good though. I'm happy, safe, and making changes in people that will change their lives forever. It's pretty awesome."

I got an email this week from a member of the young single adult ward that Brock is serving in right now.  She wanted to tell me all about the decision she just made to go on a mission and how Brock was such an influential part of the decision.  I wanted to share the last paragraph of her letter with you.  It’s obvious to me, in so many ways, that Brock is exactly where he’s supposed to be right now.  Here’s what she had to say, I’m so excited for her to start her mission:

“Then Tuesday rolled along. It was transfer day for the missionaries. We had planned our weekly meal with the elders for that evening. When Elder Fullmer and Elder Albin showed up with their new companion I thought, "oh he seems nice". And I remember as clear as day, as we sat in the living room for a special message on the temple, this new Elder, Elder Doman, stared bearing his testimony and I was overcome with a feeling of complete calm and joy. Instantly I knew that I had made the right decision! I got so excited, I looked at this Elder and I knew I wanted to do what he was doing and I had no doubt anymore! There was something about about him that I could relate to and it touched my heart. For me that moment changed my life. I knew that The Lord answered my prayer, but it was in His time and in His way. I was more perceptive to the pure and brilliant testimony of this young Elder than I would have been to anyone or anything else.  Its true when they say Satan will do all in his power to stop someone from going on a mission. Your son and his companion have helped me through multiple trials since putting in my papers, and I'm sure he doesn't even realize! As I have prepared to go on a mission and especially to go through the temple (which I will be doing on the 25th of this month!) they have helped me some much! The Lord places people in our lives for a reason, and he uses his children as His hands to answer prayers! I am so thankful for your son and for the amazing missionary he is and the sincerity of who he is and what the gospel means to him, he is changing lives! Mine included!”

How great is that?  I absolutely love to hear stories about how Brock is changing the lives of the people he comes in contact with.

Brock’s weekly email: 

Friends and Family,

 Man, what a great week we had here! We are working our hardest each and every day, and let me tell ya, we are definitely seeing the fruits of our labors! I love working hard and staying busy. This transfer will be a good one! This week has been one of the most rewarding weeks of my mission! We saw blessing after blessing and were so grateful to recognize the hand of the Lord. So, here are some details about this week!

Tuesday- There was a training for all of the YSA missionaries. This meeting helped us out so much! It's a different type of work in YSA areas, so it was nice to get some advice from President Berry and the Assistants. That took up a lot of our day, but we felt like it was very beneficial. Also, we talked a little bit more about how we are basically switching areas with the Sister Missionaries serving in the Buena Vista YSA area. This has been a challenging week trying to get familiar with half of a Zone that we were never in. We know that if we keep praying for guidance and assistance, everything will work out the way it should! Later Tuesday night we received a call from a member of the ward informing us that his Mission Call had arrived! He wanted to talk to us and have us share our experience when we opened "The Call." He is going to Milan, Italy! It was so cool to watch another member of this ward open a mission call! 

Wednedsay- We met with Liz and talked a little bit more about her baptism! She is still very grateful and excited about the future! She can't wait until she can go through the Temple! After our appointment with Liz, we met with an Investigator and set a baptismal date with him. Woohoo! Wednesday evening we went up and tried to familiarize ourselves with the area and get to know some of the local YSA members. 

Thursday- Ah man, Thursday was a little bit of a struggle. We had scheduled solid appointments through out the day, but all of them fell through at the last minute. It was pretty upsetting, but we were able to go out and talk to some more people about Jesus Christ! We did a lot of finding, but also had a good time while doing it! We were blessed Thursday night with another phone call. It was the same member calling us who had just received his Mission Call on Tuesday. We picked up the phone and started talking to him when he said he just went through the Temple and wanted us to come talk with him about his experience! This was an amazing experience to do. This member is a convert of 2 years and is about to serve a mission, and just went through the Temple. Wow, how cool is that?

Friday- We met with a different investigator and set a baptismal date with him too! He feels like now is the right time for him ,and thinks it is what Heavenly Father would want him to do too! Woohoo! After that, we met with the other investigator with a baptismal date and he just kept repeating "I'm so ready to be baptized." haha  he's an awesome guy. I'm so excited for him! We were blessed again Friday night, yes with another phone call! This time it was from the Elders serving in the Olympia ward. They informed us that they met with a guy who was baptized down in Miami, then moved right after the baptism before he was confirmed a member. We get to go through all of the lessons with him, they we have the privilege to baptize and confirm him! Such a blessing!

Saturday- We did a lot of finding and tried to get familiar with the new areas. Nothing too crazy happened, a lot of contacting!

Sunday- We met with an investigator after church and talked with him more about his baptismal date! He is so pumped! At night sacrament, there was a member that showed up with a friend who was a non member! We talked to him for a little bit before and he is really interested in Jesus Christ. We set up a return appointment for later on in the week, and can't wait to get to know him.

This week was fantastic. I loved it. It's been one of the greatest weeks of my mission. It's hard to see the Christmas lights starting to come up around Disney and not being home for the holidays, but I know the work I am doing right now is changing others around me for the better, and that makes it totally worth it. I hope everyone has a safe week, and enjoys the cold weather! Let me tell ya, Florida really is the "Sunshine State." They keep telling me the holiday season goes by fast on a mission, and I'm starting to believe them! 

Much love,

Elder Doman

Brock and Elder Potter

Monday, November 10, 2014

New Companion, Elder Potter from Texas. Brock loves that he wants to work hard!!!

Friends and Family,

Transfer week came around last Tuesday the 4th and It's crazy to think that we are already a week into this transfer! My new companion is Elder Potter! He's from Houston, Texas and we have started this transfer off great! We both love to work hard and are stoked for these next 5 weeks!

Tuesday- Transfer meeting took up most of our day along with shopping and unpacking for Elder Potter. For Elder Potter, this is his last transfer :( is pretty upset, but he’s motivated to give it his all and sprint to the finish line! Honestly, I love it. It's nice to have a great companion that wants to work hard as well. Let me tell ya, I've loved my previous companions, but I think this transfer will be the best one yet! We are looking forward to seeing the fruits of our labors this transfer! We had night games later on Tuesday, and unfortunately none of our investigators were able to make it out... this was a little disappointing, but it motivated us to get them out into a low key environment with some church members.

Wednesday- We found a new investigator! Woohoo! He has been a CP (college program) for 5 days and is looking for a church to attend. We taught him the restoration, and he accepted the baptismal invitation. He Is a baptist as of now, but doesn't like what his religion is doing for him, and feels like there is something more out there. This was a huge blessing for us! We're excited to see his testimony start to increase as he starts to read from the Book of Mormon.

Thursday- We met with Liz on Thursday for her recent convert lessons and she is happy as can be. She said that her parents are becoming more supportive and are glad that she has found something she likes! Other than that, all of our other lessons fell through...  It was a long day Thursday and we spent a lot of our time contacting. It's cool to talk to so many different people and hear their stories! I love the area here!

Friday- We had an excellent weekly planning session, then went out and did some work! We did more contacting and found a couple of solid people who we are looking forward to visiting with next week. Friday evening, we met with an investigator who hasn't been progressing as well, and needed some extra help. We were inspired to start a new slate with him and re-establish our purpose and reteach the restoration. We did exactly that and it helped him immensely. He accepted the baptismal invitation and has been reading from the Book of Mormon! He was at Stake Conference Sunday and said he was a little bit confused, but enjoyed the words that were said!

Saturday- Saturday was Stake Priesthood Conference! Don R Clarke from the 70 came down and it was awesome to see him, and listen to the words he had to say. Some big news: Previously there has only been six "Zones" or Stakes in the Florida Orlando Mission, but they made a new zone! The mission will not be any bigger, they just split up the Orlando Zone and Orlando South Zone and made a Lake Mary's Zone! It's exciting to hasten the Lord's work, and to be a part of these changes! As I was sitting in my seat a half hour early, pretty excited for the words that were about to be said, I did a little self-reflection. A year ago, I would have been in my seat a half hour early to watch a football game, but now I'm in my seat a half hour early to watch Stake Conference, and I love it.

Sunday- Stake Conference continued on and we were able to attend this meeting as well. Don R. Clarke talked a lot about the importance of family and how it is central to The Plan of Salvation. Also, with the Zones splitting up, we are no longer going to just be covering the College Program area. We will reach further up closer to downtown Orlando, while the Sisters help out with the CP's too. This will be a rough and rocky change, but it will also be a good one. It will give me and Elder Potter a new experience and that's one of the main reasons we are so excited for this transfer! 

I hope everyone had a great week! I will hear from you all next week! 
Much Love,
Elder Doman

2nd Nephi- 31:20

Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

Here's a funny story he shared this week too:
I just thought I'd share this funny experience that happened to us this week! We were finishing up a lesson after teaching an investigator who is pretty feminine. Just for a mental picture- He is a tall lanky Dude from St, Thomas, who loves to wear tight skinny jeans and a lady gaga shirt. I'm not meaning to be rude or anything, I seriously love this kid to death. He is way funny! But we just invited him to be baptized and for him to pray for a baptismal date. He agreed to it and had the biggest smile on his face. I said "Well, we can work out our plans and mee-" he cut me off right then and said, "Elder Doman. If I have to work out
and like lift weights with you, I don't think it's something I want to do!" Hahahah it was so awkward! His English still isn't the best, he's only been in the US for 7 months now! I guess he didn't understand "workout our plans" I started to laugh and and then use some different

terminology and he was a lot more comfortable! Hahah it was awesome!